Category Archives: Home Renovation

DIY Do It Yourself

DIY is Do It Yourself and we love the freedom to design it and build it our way!  Whether you are renovating and updating a room in your home, adding some spice to your decorations, making up a new recipe or building a Valentine’s Day surprise, count us in because we probably are too.  Keeping a sense of humor is an absolute must with home projects, anyone who has every watched Renovation Realities on DIY Network knows it can be frustrating.

Do it with love and imagination, do it with less money or just enjoy doing it with your family.  It’s all about being creative, having a vision of the end and a Plan B in case that doesn’t work.  We are grateful to fellow bloggers and especially Pinterest, there is so much how to information and great ideas to get you started on your way.

I can honestly say that with every DIY the bigger they are, the more satisfying it is when it’s done. Just when you think forget it – it actually works out!